2020 Life Science Women's Conference Exhibitor Package can be downloaded here.

EXHIBIT SPACE RENTAL - Rates are for a 10'x10' space, includes 8' high backdrop, draping, two chairs, an 8' table and 36" high side rail dividers and standard (7"x44") company sign. Exhibitors are required to provide their own carpet.
- BASIC BOOTH RATE (Both Days) - $2,500 Includes (2) Two-day Conference Passes for Exhibitors.
- GOVERNMENT RATE (Both Days) - $1,995 Includes (1) Two-day Conference Passes for Exhibitors.
- UNIVERSITY/NON-PROFIT RATE (Both Days)- $1,500 Includes (1) Two-day Conference Passes for Exhibitors.
- NON-INDUSTRY RATE (Both Days) - $1,250 (Retail Sales, limited to 10- by invitation only, on site) Includes (1) Two-day Conference Pass for Exhibitor.
*Only one booth may be purchased at this rate. Additional booths will be billed at the commercial rate. Special rates are available for island or extended displays and will be quoted upon request. Exposed corners are an additional $200 each.
DISPLAY TABLES ONLY (Both Days) - $1,500 Rates are for one 6' draped table and two chairs. No side rails or extensions allowed. Signage must be placed behind or on table and no higher than 8' of longer than 6'. Includes (1) Two-day Conference Pass for Exhibitor.
*All exhibits and table displays are open for the duration of the conference hours for both days.
***NEW FOR 2020***
Life Science Conferences is pleased to announce limited space for authors at our Meet the Author exhibit event happening at the 2020 Life Science Women's Conference.
ROTATING SHIFT TABLE (1.5 hours) - $300 Up to 1.5 hours at Meet the Author and includes (1) One-Day Conference Pass
EXCLUSIVE TABLE FOR AUTHORS (Both Days) - $1250 Includes 1 draped table, 2 chairs, (1) Two-Day Conference Pass, and 1.5 hours at the Meet the Author table.