Join Xing-Jian Lou alongside Stephanie Davis and Emily Caporello for the session, "SBIR 101: An Introduction to the NIH Small Business Program - Beyond Funding"!
Day 1, Room #2708
11:00 - 11:45 AM
Dr. Lou is a Program Director in the Small Business Innovation Research Development Center at the National Cancer Institute. She manages SBIR & STTR awards, as well as actively engages in developing targeted solicitations, guiding small businesses to develop applications and facilitating interaction between awardees and potential investors and partners.
Dr. Lou has over 15 years experience in research and product development for diagnosis and drug development. Prior to joining NCI she held a variety of scientific and management positions in pharmaceutical and biotech companies, including Johnson & Johnson, LumiCyte, Applied Biosystems (now part of Thermo Fisher Scientific corporation) and diaDexus.
Dr. Lou received her PhD degree in Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology from University of Miami and completed her postdoctoral training at Stanford University.