Join Heather for her presentation, "DEBUNKED: 5 Myths about the R&D Tax Credit"!
Join us in learning more about how Federal R&D tax credits will give your firm a competitive edge.
Heather Fisher is Head of Pharmaceutical and Software Development, Corporate Tax Advisors
Heather fell in love with the Life Sciences industry during her time spent at the University of Tennessee studying Animal Science with a focus on Science and Technology. She was quickly drawn to the pharmaceutical and laboratory science aspect of the industry. However, after nearly a decade as Practice Director at a small animal veterinary hospital, she also understood the strain placed on businesses when it came to innovation and growth.
She wanted to use her knowledge of the Life Sciences industry to help similar companies understand there are specialized tax incentives that help underwrite the cost of innovation and sustain growth. Now, as Head of Pharmaceutical and Software Development at Corporate Tax Advisors, she can educate business owners on ways to augment cash flow by leveraging tax incentives.
Most CFO's, Controllers, CPAs and accountants have heard whispers and surface level information about Federal R&D tax credits. Unfortunately, only 1 out of 10 higher level C-suite positions know enough about the most lucrative tax incentive available to the Life Science industry to confidently pursue them. Join her as she debunks the 5 most misguided myths companies believe about the R&D credit that prevent them from further investigating the credit. If you've ever been hesitant to looking deeper into this subject matter and/or simply feel leery about the incredible benefits you hear others speak about, this is the presentation for you! Join us in learning more about how Federal R&D tax credits will give your firm a competitive edge.