Al is one of the few men publicly speaking and writing about the discriminatory consequences of gender biases that pervade our business and professional workplaces. Al started working for greater gender diversity in the leadership ranks of our major organizations after realizing that even the best intentioned organizations are pervaded with gender biases that make it harder for women than men to achieve successful, satisfying careers. As Al has written, most of us grow up with gender stereotypes that result in unconscious biases that lead us to favor men over women for high powered, demanding career opportunities.
Drawing on his extensive legal and business experience, Al has become a nationally recognized expert on issues related to gender, bias, and communication in the workplace. As he speaks, conducts workshops, and mentors women across the country, Al’s astute observations and pragmatic advice help women navigate the complex and vexing expectations created by the masculine norms and values that dominate our workplaces. Al speaks to women about what male colleagues expect from future leaders; to men about what they need to do to become effective allies in the effort to achieve true gender diversity; and to organizations about the practices and policies they need to adopt to assure that women can move into the leadership roles they desire and are so clearly qualified to assume.
Al is co-author with his wife, Andie Kramer, of the book Breaking Through Bias: Communication Techniques for Women to Succeed at Work, which was named one of the best business books of 2016 by Women@Work and “a well-organized, well-thought-out call to action;” by Publishers Weekly. Al and Andie’s new book It’s Not You, It’s the Workplace: Women's Conflict at Work and the Bias that Built It is due out in August 2019. He is also the author of over 150 articles and blog posts on gender, diversity, and combatting biases. More about Al, his writing, and upcoming speaking engagements can be found at www.AndieandAl.com.